

The aim of this study was to assess the rate of deforestation and its drivers at central highland of Ethiopia with special reference to zequala (chukala) mountain over the last 17 years (between 2000 and 2017).

To investigate deforestation, LULC change of this area using satellite image data of Land sat loaded from internet and processed using GIS tools. Then the study area had been classified in to four major LULC using satellite image of 2000, 2011 and 2017 and GIS tools, those LULC are water body, dense forest ,farm and settlement, and degraded forest. After LULC classification, change have been compared using data of image 2000 ,2011 and 2017 to get deforestation magnitude within the given time. The results of supervised classifications of LULC change of these area in 17 years from 2000 -2017, Those dense forest decline by 8.46 hectares, and disturbed forest decline by1690 hectares and change to farm and settlement. In reveres farm land and settlement increase by 1721 hectares within 17 years may be related with these LULC change, water body decrease in 23.4 hectares. The main causes of this deforestation are expansion of farm land, exploitation of forest for fuel and charcoal production and also wild fire and lack of people legal utilization decision authority on this forest is another cause of deforestation, and forest degradation at this study area. So, to minimized and stopped deforestation and forest degradation, people should participate in utilization and decision and also the attitude of the people should be changed to be able for sustainable development of forest and Utilization , specially farmer should adapt planting trees for their utilization and facilitate regeneration of this forest by stopping exploitation and use grass in the forest by cutting and carry system to feed their cattle ,because cattle should not trample regenerating seedling.

Key words;- Land use land cover, deforestation, forest degradation, Zequala mountain forest, remote sensing and GIS


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