
Key achievements so far


  •  Five staff members started their PhD in MRV related fields at NMBU.
  • 12 staff  members of the college received a dedicated short term training in MRV methods.
  • 1 staff for sabbatical leave and 1 staff for research leave supported.
  • MRVCC and its Advisory Board established.
  • 3 new MRV related Masters programs (Forest Resource Assessment and Monitoring, Climate Smart Agricultural Landscape Assessment and Renewable Energy Utilization and Management) are actively running in the college.
  • professionals from relevant federal institutions received training in MRV methods.
  • WGCF-NR established network and collaboration with international and national partners/stakeholders.
  • GHG Laboratory facility established in the college.
  • Interdisciplinary thematic action research initiated  and is in progress at two field sites, Wondo Genet and Guji zone


National Measuring, Reporting and Verification Capacity Building Towards Climate Resilient Development in Ethiopia.

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