

Plantation forests can capture and retain carbon in their biomass and soil over time. However, an unregulated harvest of a plantation would result in biomass and carbon removal from the site. So, appropriate management of plantation forests is important to enhance the carbon sink and hence, climate change mitigation. The general objective of this study was to investigate the effects of thinning frequency on biomass and soil organic carbon stocks of Cupressus Lusitania plantations in Central highland, Ethiopia.


Conversion of Natural Forest to other land uses negatively affect the biomass and soil carbon stocks. This study was carried out to investigate the impact of conversion of natural forest to rubber plantation and semi-forest coffee in terms of biomass and soil carbon stocks in Guraferda district, southern-western Ethiopia. For this study stratified systematic sampling technique was followed to establish plot sizes of 20m x 10m (200m2) across the three adjacent land uses, namely, natural forest, semi-forest coffee and rubber plantation.


Ethiopian tropical forests present a great geographical diversity with high and rugged mountains, flat-topped plateaus, deep gorges, river valleys, and plains and as a result, it has different species diversity, biomass, and soil carbon stock. The study was conducted in a Kua-Chalte moist Afromontane natural forest located in Limmu Seka Woreda, Jimma Zone, Oromia Regional State, and Southwest Ethiopia. The aim of the study was to assess the woody species composition, diversity, structure and to determine carbon stocks of the forest.


Forests play a significant role in climate change mitigation by sinking and storing more carbon. The main objective of the study was to estimate the role of protected area forests in the reduction of atmospheric carbon dioxide by conducting studies on two national parks: Chebera-Churchura(CC) and Borena- Sayint(BS). The study includes exploring vegetation characteristics, estimation of total carbon stock density, and assessment of land cover changes for the periods of 1990,2003, and 2017. A stratified random sampling design was used in this study.


Forest contributes 50% of climate change mitigation potential. Forest serves as a natural sinker of atmospheric CO2 to mitigate climate change. Although a number of studies have been done on carbon stock estimations the influence of environmental factors on forest carbon stocks has not been properly addressed. This study was conducted in Zomba Forest, with the objectives of estimating the carbon stock and its variation along the altitudinal gradients. A reconnaissance survey was carried out across the forest in order to obtain an impression in site conditions and physiognomy of the vegetation and collect information on accessibility.

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National Measuring, Reporting and Verification Capacity Building Towards Climate Resilient Development in Ethiopia.

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