

Land use land cover change analysis is one of the most particular techniques to understand how land was used in the past, what types of changes are to be expected in the future, as well as the forces and processes behind the changes. Thus, the objective of this study was to investigate the land use land cover changes and its driving forces in Mago National Park, southern Ethiopia.

The development of allometric models is crucial to assess forest biomass and carbon stocks. However, very few allometric equations have been developed in Ethiopia and as a result, generalized allometric equations are often used for forests developed in other study areas. The general objective of this study, therefore, was to develop allometric equations for estimating aboveground biomass of three selected native woody species by using the branching method.

The term “Non Timber Forest Products” (NTFPs) encompasses all biological materials other than timber, which are extracted from forests for human use (De Beer, 1989). They constitute an important source of livelihoods for most rural people around the world as part of subsistence, cash income and a vital livelihood safety net in times of hardship.


In Ethiopia, forest cover changes were registered at local level that adds up to the changes observed at the national level. The rapid advance of deforestation over recent decades has resulted in the conversion of the majority of the Walmara woreda’s forest in isolated patches, endangering not only their continuity but the biodiversity within them. Geographic information system (GIS) techniques and remote sensing (RS) from satellite platforms offer a best way to identify forest cover change.


Plantation forests can capture and retain carbon in their biomass and soil over time. Carbon stock estimation provides information on the current status of the carbon stock of the forest and important to know the future change by deriving from it. The present study was conducted to estimate the carbon stock and its variation along the elevations gradients in Garabocan state plantation forest found in Amhara Regional State of Ethiopia.

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National Measuring, Reporting and Verification Capacity Building Towards Climate Resilient Development in Ethiopia.

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